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5th Grade Band

Beginning Band Information

Instrument Information

Navy Band: Why you should choose the...


3 Things Parents Must Tell Their Children When They Begin a Musical Instrument

  • “You are allowed to fail, and you will become better because of your failures.” 

  • “Hard works trumps talent every single time.” 

  • “This is a long-term commitment, and we are going to stick with it.” 

What if we as parents treated music like any other core subject and expected our children to study it for at least 4 or 5 years?

A Parent's Guide to Music Practicing


From my experience as a teacher and a parent, practicing boils down to six main questions:


1) How important is practicing?

2) How much should I be involved in my child’s practicing?

3) How do I solve the “I can’t find the time” problem?

4) How do I solve the “I don’t know what to practice” problem?

5) What does my child’s teacher mean by “work it out”?

6) How do I know if my child is making progress?

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